Friday, June 15, 2012

Teagan Finishes Her First Year at Preschool

Teagan had such a fun year at preschool. We enjoyed watching her grow and learn so many new things and make new friends. She loved her teachers, Miss Rose and Miss Linda, so much! Each day, when I picked Teagan up from school, I was given more papers and art projects than I knew what to do with. I decided that I would keep them all in a file until the end of the year and then take a picture of it all....then throw it away. I did keep the cards that she made for us, but I can't imagine how it would all multiply with two more years of preschool before going on to Kindergarten! Here are the photos I took:

This is her class at the end of the year picnic:
Clockwise from T: Abigail, Rocco, Cameron, ?, ?, Luke, Levi, Genevieve, Elias, Toryn, Caleb, Chloe

They also had a patriotic parade at the end of the year!

Time is FLYING by...

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