Friday, December 23, 2011

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!

I absolutely LOVE Christmas time.  It has been more fun each year with Teagan and this year is August's first Christmas!! This is the first year that I made an Advent Calendar for us as a family that was made up of fun things for us all to do together.  It has been fun, but I think it will only get better as the kids get older.  Here are some pictures of Christmas time at our house and a couple of the advent activities:
Making a paper chain countdown to Christmas!

Advent Calendar I made!

The greatest gift of all!

Making snow flakes was one of the advent activities

Daddy & T making a Gingerbread Christmas Tree



Brenna said...

I love your house during Christmas! So pretty! Can I come live with you please??

ThE nIcHoLs FaMiLy said...

Come on over! We just need Curt to sound proof T's bedroom for the girls :)