Wednesday, September 21, 2011

August is 4 Months Old

I honestly feel like I was writing his 3 month blog post just last night... another month has FLOWN by. August is still the sweetest and happiest baby! He is getting better with his hands every day, rolling over, and loves to catch a glimpse of his little feet! When he sees them, he is instantly trying to get them into his mouth. The jumper is a definite favorite and he is a maniac in it already! He really does adore his big sister who can always make him laugh.
We went to the doctor today for his well check.  He weighs 15lbs, 3oz and is 24 inches long. Growing boy!  He is fighting off a little cold that Teagan brought home from her first week at Preschool...and so it begins.  Even with a runny nose and watery eyes, he won't stop smiling! I love him to pieces. I love that he loves to cuddle & hug me...please just STOP growing up so quickly!

1 comment:

Navi said...

He is so adorable. i love the photo of him and Renny!