Friday, November 19, 2010

It's A Boy!!

     Last weekend Renny and I went to have an ultrasound done in hopes that we could find out the gender of the baby.  The tech told me to drink something cold about 30 minutes prior to the appointment, to get the baby moving.  I drank two big glasses of water early on in the morning and then we headed out to our appointment after Renny came home from surfing. On the way, we stopped and got a yummy Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino... a big one. I figured a lot of something cold AND caffeinated would really get the baby to move. Of course what I didn't think about was how badly I would have to pee by the time we got there!  As soon as we walked in, I asked the tech for the key to the bathroom.  However, she explained to me it was better to have a full bladder for the ultrasound since I was only 13 1/2 weeks..... great.  So I had to laugh at myself when I could barely lay back on the table without peeing my pants! The first thing the tech said to me when she started the ultrasound was, "see...that's your bladder right there. It's really full!" I thought to myself, "yeah lady, I know. Thanks so much for continuing to make me think about that fact!" I finally got my way when she saw that my bladder was so full that it was actually crowding my curled up little baby! Phew! I hopped my way back down the stairs (after going to the bathroom) hoping that the baby would loosen up and move around... and it worked! The tech pointed right between the legs and asked us if we were ready to know the sex of our baby.  IT'S A BOY!!!

We were both so super excited! A little boy!  I can't wait to meet my little man and to be a family of four!

**word to the wise: when they tell you to drink something cold before you come... just drink a little something cold and not a whole bunch of cold water, followed by a large blended and caffeinated drink. Your bladder will thank you :)

1 comment:

Inessa said...

that's too funny and congrats again on the new baby. he will a great addition to the already adorable and lovable Teagan