This past weekend we took a trip out to Palm Desert with my mom and Renny's parents. It was Teagan's 3rd time out there and August's 1st! Teagan was SO excited about swimming in the pool and going to The Living Desert. It was a cool 105 degrees outside, which we expected, but what we weren't expecting was the humidity! That made the hot seem much hotter! We got out there in time for dinner at Roy's, then came back to the house for some swimming! Teagan was nervous about the pool for all of about 30 seconds, then it was near impossible to drag her out :) On Saturday morning, we got to The Living Desert right when it opened to try and avoid the intense heat. We saw so many animals and walked around for almost 2 hours before I thought it was getting to hot for little August. We went home from there and played at the house for a couple of hours before leaving again to grab lunch. After lunch, there was no stopping Teagan from some pool time! She was nonstop...Jumping into the deep end, climbing onto rafts and then throwing herself off, trying to touch the bottom, and racing back and forth between all of us was all she wanted to do! I didn't think she would ever get out and after going like that for a couple hours straight, only the promise of a popsicle did the trick. We came inside and watched Sleeping Beauty, hoping Teagan would fall asleep, but that didn't happen...she was still up and ready to play! When little August woke up from him nap, Renny and Teagan came with me to get him out of bed. I walked out of the room with him, but Renny and Teagan stayed in the room to play some more. After just a little bit, it seemed all too quiet. I walked back to the room to find Renny asleep on the bed with Teagan cuddled right up against precious!!! Renny woke up about 2 hours later, but Teagan slept until the next morning! I guess all that swimming and being out in the sun caught up to her :) Here are some cute pictures from the weekend:

The Giraffes at the Living Desert
We just couldn't get both Teagan and the giraffes to look at the camera at the same time :)
Striped Hyenas!
This leopard thought Teagan looked like breakfast
August wasn't very impressed :)
Back at the house!
Flowers in the front beautiful!