Last weekend Renny and I went to have an ultrasound done in hopes that we could find out the gender of the baby. The tech told me to drink something cold about 30 minutes prior to the appointment, to get the baby moving. I drank two big glasses of water early on in the morning and then we headed out to our appointment after Renny came home from surfing. On the way, we stopped and got a yummy Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino... a big one. I figured a lot of something cold AND caffeinated would really get the baby to move. Of course what I didn't think about was how badly I would have to pee by the time we got there! As soon as we walked in, I asked the tech for the key to the bathroom. However, she explained to me it was better to have a full bladder for the ultrasound since I was only 13 1/2 weeks..... great. So I had to laugh at myself when I could barely lay back on the table without peeing my pants! The first thing the tech said to me when she started the ultrasound was, "see...that's your bladder right there. It's really full!" I thought to myself, "yeah lady, I know. Thanks so much for continuing to make me think about that fact!" I finally got my way when she saw that my bladder was so full that it was actually crowding my curled up little baby! Phew! I hopped my way back down the stairs (after going to the bathroom) hoping that the baby would loosen up and move around... and it worked! The tech pointed right between the legs and asked us if we were ready to know the sex of our baby. IT'S A BOY!!!
We were both so super excited! A little boy! I can't wait to meet my little man and to be a family of four!
**word to the wise: when they tell you to drink something cold before you come... just drink a little something cold and not a whole bunch of cold water, followed by a large blended and caffeinated drink. Your bladder will thank you :)
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thankful On Paper - Week Three
Week Three
Thankful On Paper
On this third week of Thankful On Paper, I could have written to so many different people that I am blessed to have in my life. Since I had to pick one person, I chose to write to my very best friend Trisha. I met Trisha in the third grade at Los Altos Brethren Elementary School. I was the new girl and we became friends right away.... TWENTY years (wow!) later, she is still the best friend any girl could ask for :) Thank you Trisha:
You are always there to listen when I need to talk, laugh, or cry
I can tell you absolutely anything...and you will still be my friend and not think I'm crazy :)
You accept me for who I am and are a very loyal friend
You can always make me laugh when I need it!
I want you to know that I truly am blessed to call you my best friend! Here's to the next twenty years! Love you girl!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Thankful On Paper - Week Two
Week Two!
I am thankful for my mom every single day, and chose to write her a note for this second week of being Thankful on Paper. My mom has always been there for me and helps me so much anytime I need it. I am blessed to have a mom who is so supportive. She adores Teagan and Teagan loves her "mama Karen." Thank you mom for loving me so much! I appreciate all that you have done and truly am thankful for you every day. I love you!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Teagan's 1st Hair Cut
Teagan has probably needed a hair cut for a long time now, but I just couldn't bring myself to cut the cute and curly little manny she had going on. I just couldn't. But Renny and I decided it was time... my good friend Kristin said to bring her over and she would cut it. I drove her over to Kristin's and Teagan got to watch daddy's turn first before she got in the chair. When it was her turn, she wanted no part of sitting in that chair alone, so she sat on my lap. Here are some pics from the experience:
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Week One - Thankful On Paper
I love the idea of sharing thanks with others all the time, but especially during the holiday season. My friend Rachel had an awesome idea of writing to someone you are thankful for (on actually sending a letter in the mail) every Wednesday in November, and then writing a blog post about who you wrote to every Thursday in November.
I decided to write to my husband, Renny. I am so very thankful that he is my hubby and I thank God for him every single day... however, I'm not sure that I actually tell him enough how much he means to me. I wrote to him this morning and put the note into the lunch that I made for him. I am thankful for him because:
He is an amazing father to Teagan
He works incredibly hard to provide for his family
He loves me, no matter what
He loves Jesus
Thank you Renny for sharing forever with me. I love you!!

I decided to write to my husband, Renny. I am so very thankful that he is my hubby and I thank God for him every single day... however, I'm not sure that I actually tell him enough how much he means to me. I wrote to him this morning and put the note into the lunch that I made for him. I am thankful for him because:
He is an amazing father to Teagan
He works incredibly hard to provide for his family
He loves me, no matter what
He loves Jesus
Thank you Renny for sharing forever with me. I love you!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Trick Or Treat!!!
This year for Halloween, we took Teagan trick or treating. She watched the halloween episode of The Little Einsteins, where they go trick or treating, and wanted to know what it was all about. As soon as I explained to her that you say, "trick or treat" in order to get candy... she was all about it! She dressed up as the cutest little owl I've ever seen and we headed out for some fun. The first house we went to, she was pretty timid, but after a few more houses I had to stop her from walking right into peoples homes! We went up one side of our block, then crossed the street and came back along that side of the street. She ended her trick or treating experience with knocking at our door and saying "trick or treat" to Renny, in order to get one last piece of candy. We don't really ever let Teagan eat candy, but since it was halloween... she got to try a bite of a few different kinds. I think she liked the Reece's Peanut Butter Cup the best. Good girl! Here are some cute shots Renny took of her throughout the night:
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Loads of Birthday Fun
My little Teagan turned 2 years old on Saturday. I cannot believe it! She is beginning to look a lot less like a baby and more like a little girl :) She makes me laugh everyday and I feel so blessed to be her mommy!
The weekend before her birthday, we had a party for her at Pump It Up on Saturday and headed to Disneyland on Sunday to see the Halloween decor. Teagan had a BLAST at Pump It Up. She didn't stop the whole time. She jumped and went down slides and laughed till she cried :) Then, she took a 4 hour nap when it was over!!
These two crack me up! Soo cute!
Climbing up the stairs with Auntie Andi...
Flying down the slide all by herself
This is when she shouted "One more time!!!"
Sweet little Micah... they share a birthday!
Too much fun can make you cry sometimes...
Group shot!
Pizza time with cousin Estella!
Some love from Auntie Steph
Teagan with her friends Riley, Sierra, Serenity, and Karlie
Davin and Karlie wanted in on the picture!
She looks so little in that big chair!
We let Teagan open her gifts when she woke up from her 4 hour nap: she was so excited!
The next day at Disneyland, Teagan got to meet Tinkerbell and some of the other fairies in Pixie Hollow. She was in awe... Here are some cute pics from the day:
On Teagan's actual birthday, we had the family over for dinner at our house. Teagan had a great time playing with everyone and was super excited to celebrate her birthday again.
Presents from Mommy and Daddy
Dinner table is set!!
Mama Cora
She was so happy until we starting singing...
Tinker Bell Cake
Auntie Steph and Jimmy
Picture with Mommy & Daddy!
Uncle Obby Dobby and Auntie Nina
Mommy, Teagan, Mama Karen, and Auntie Andi
It was a great dinner and fun family time! Excited to watch Teagan grow in this coming year. Mommy and Daddy love you T!!
The weekend before her birthday, we had a party for her at Pump It Up on Saturday and headed to Disneyland on Sunday to see the Halloween decor. Teagan had a BLAST at Pump It Up. She didn't stop the whole time. She jumped and went down slides and laughed till she cried :) Then, she took a 4 hour nap when it was over!!
These two crack me up! Soo cute!
Climbing up the stairs with Auntie Andi...
Flying down the slide all by herself
This is when she shouted "One more time!!!"
Sweet little Micah... they share a birthday!
Too much fun can make you cry sometimes...
Group shot!
Pizza time with cousin Estella!
Some love from Auntie Steph
Singing "happy birthday" to Teagan!
She loves a good cupcakeTeagan with her friends Riley, Sierra, Serenity, and Karlie
Davin and Karlie wanted in on the picture!
She looks so little in that big chair!
We let Teagan open her gifts when she woke up from her 4 hour nap: she was so excited!
The next day at Disneyland, Teagan got to meet Tinkerbell and some of the other fairies in Pixie Hollow. She was in awe... Here are some cute pics from the day:
On Teagan's actual birthday, we had the family over for dinner at our house. Teagan had a great time playing with everyone and was super excited to celebrate her birthday again.
Presents from Mommy and Daddy
Dinner table is set!!
Mama Cora
She was so happy until we starting singing...
Tinker Bell Cake
Auntie Steph and Jimmy
Picture with Mommy & Daddy!
Uncle Obby Dobby and Auntie Nina
Mommy, Teagan, Mama Karen, and Auntie Andi
It was a great dinner and fun family time! Excited to watch Teagan grow in this coming year. Mommy and Daddy love you T!!
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